The province’s green energy plan is nothing more than hot air (letter)

The Liberals don’t care….it is a “revenue tool”!

Wind Resistance of Melancthon

Dear editor,

I would like to take this opportunity to express my opinion on the issue of wind farms, not only in Dufferin County, but as it affects the entire province of Ontario.

Wind energy is a farce.  Wind energy is not a reliable source.  It is not able to generate enough power at a consistent rate for people to power their homes.  In other words, if there is no wind, there is no electricity in your home.

The second issue is the cost of wind farms.  The cost to produce wind energy is more than it is worth.

It costs more than $0.16 per kilowatt/hour for wind.  Currently, we pay approximately $0.09 per kilowatt/hour for hydro for our homes, therefore, tax payers are picking up the tab for the difference. The county of Dufferin would like to shut down the production of wind farms.

The third issue is that…

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When Governments Cite Greenpeace

The Greenpissers and the Pembina Institute, do NOT pay our bills. Tell them to keep their noses out of our business!

Big Picture News, Informed Analysis

An Energy Minister who boasts that his decision is supported by Greenpeace is an Energy Minister spectacularly out-of-touch with ordinary voters.

I live in Ontario, Canada’s most populous province. Our Energy Minister is a gent named Bob Chiarelli.

From my perspective, his primary responsibility is to keep energy prices as low as possible. As Germany and other jurisdictions have discovered, when electricity costs too much, businesses flee – taking jobs with them (see here, here, here and here).

Working families, young people near the bottom of the wage ladder, and seniors on fixed incomes all have especially tight budgets. The more these people are forced to pay for electricity, the fewer dollars they have to spend on other things. Like food.

In recent years, electricity prices here in Ontario have risen dramatically. This is largely the result of our government pursuing renewable energy policies without doing…

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How to Cure a Climate Change Denier

Even a global warming alarmist can learn the truth, if he is open to it….

Watts Up With That?

81B3RbTSszL._SL1500_[1]Here is a book with a twist – an eco gone rogue and self modified into a climate change “denier”. His experience parallels many, actually, including some of mine (though I’d never join Greenpeace, UPDATE: and now after having read his Kindle book, I’ll point out that I believe that CO2 has some effect, but far less than has been claimed, especially where feedbacks operate) – Anthony

From the description:

Paul Caruso once lived in an off-grid eco-community, grew much of his own food and was an active member of Greenpeace. However, over the past few years he has lost his faith in human induced climate change and become a denier!

He doesn’t really deny that the climate is changing – he has just come to the conclusion that it is natural variation.

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Dead in Fire Wind Turbine OOLTGENSPLAAT


October 30, 2013 – Netherlands

A wind turbine caught fire Tuesday afternoon in Ooltgensplaat on Goeree-Overflakkee, costing the lives of two mechanics.Four mechanics were at work in the wind turbine on the Mariadijk, about 80 meters above ground, Tuesday afternoon. By a cause, yet unknown, a fire started in the engine room.

 Because of the height the fire department initially had trouble extinguishing the fire in the engine room. In the evening, a special team of firefighters went up with a large crane, and found the body of the missing man.

The cause of the fire is unclear. The identity of the victims has not been disclosed. The Inspectorate for Social Affairs, formerly the Labour inspection, commenced an investigation.

An eyewitness reported to RTV Rijnmond she saw two mechanics sitting on the tip of the turbine. She saw them jump through the fire toward stairs.

Original Article:

Europe: back to the Dark Ages?

Better stock up on candles and firewood!



Energy Bosses Call for End to Subsidies for Wind, Solar Power
Group Includes CEOs From Eni, GDF Suez and E.ON
The Wall Street Journal
Géraldine Amiel
11 October 2013

BRUSSELS – Top executives of companies that provide half of Europe’s electricity production capacity on Friday called on politicians to end “distorting” subsidies for wind and solar power, saying the incentives have led to whopping bills for households and businesses and could cause continent-wide blackouts.

Speaking at a news conference here, chief executives of 10 energy producers also urged European Union authorities to compensate electricity companies that agree to maintain spare capacity on standby – a practice that helps increase the security of Europe’s highly interconnected power grid.

The executives, from utilities including Germany’s E.ON, France’s GDF Suez and Italy’s Eni SpA, blamed rising power prices on policies introduced at the turn of the century, when most European governments sought…

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Children Can Be Affected By Industrial Wind Turbines

 Opinion by Mary Burns, Special to the Olean Times Herald

Oct 29, 2013

Our children are under stress from a variety of sources. In school, students endure high-stakes testing and are working to meet rigorous new academic standards. Outside of school, friends and classmates are learning to navigate relationships in the new frontier of social networking.

Parents must now deal with an emerging and very serious new issue. As the town of Allegany struggles with the issue of industrial wind turbines, parents and school officials should thoroughly evaluate risks posed to the health of Allegany’s children.

I have included a letter, which was read at the Vermilion County, Ill., board meeting on Oct. 8, and written by William C. Mulvaney, a superintendent of schools. It is a cautionary tale concerning industrial wind turbine installations.

“My name is Bill Mulvaney and I am the superintendent of schools for Armstrong Township High School and Armstrong-Ellis CUD No. 61. I also served on the wind panel that met to try to give direction to the county board on wind turbine ordinances. Our panel did not come up with any recommended changes, but I would like to share a few thoughts with you.

“I have noticed that we have some children in our district that appear to be having some medical issues related to the wind turbines. Headaches, lack of sleep and jaw issues seem to be the most common. The students also complain about not being able to sleep or not getting a full night’s sleep due to sound issues.

“We have also been advised that we will be losing a couple of families because the wind turbines were placed close to homes and the families can no longer handle the flicker and noise issues.

“While these issues were brought up at our panel discussion, I was not fully aware of the impact that the wind turbines would have to my school district. It is never a good thing when children have health issues or families have to leave their homes to get away from the turbines. The revenue generated by the turbines is a blessing to our schools, but the unintended consequences are real.

“I hope this letter sheds some light on the real issues that affect districts that house wind farms. I also hope that when ordinances are discussed in the future, that these issues are considered.”

Many communities like Mr. Mulvaney’s Armstrong Township are learning their families and children are vulnerable to medical and safety effects. The health and noise issues caused by turbines are being studied around the world. Increasing instances of negative impacts are now being documented. A problem has been that industrial wind turbines have only recently become so immense due to engineering breakthroughs using new structural materials. A consequence is that there is almost no long-term data showing how such huge turbines impact residents in nearby neighborhoods.

As troubling indications continue to emerge, the wind lobby and those wanting to build wind turbines without regard to their negative impacts on children, the aging, the ill, etc., rely on slick and well-funded publicity campaigns and propaganda denying everything. This is no different than what the tobacco lobby so successfully did for decades. Physicians and scientists knew the truth, but big money talks, so tobacco companies became richer while the public suffered.

Parents, school officials and government leaders should know that the substitute turbines requested by EverPower/Allegany Wind at the planning board meeting in September 2012 are bigger than any yet installed by this corporation, with a 37 percent greater rotor sweep than the Illinois turbines referred to by Mr. Mulvaney. They have no field history with such machines.

When the Allegany Town Planning Board requested additional environmental impact studies before approving them, Allegany Wind refused and instead sued the board for asking for them. What are they so determined to hide? Instead of cooperating, they expect Allegany’s children and residents to serve as test subjects for 20 years. The majority of those recent demonstrators demanding to build Allegany Wind will live miles away and, so, are willing to overlook or deny any potential negative impacts on those located nearer turbine alley.

These wind farms very often spread out in all directions once a foothold is established with a few original machines. Allegany’s electorate should not allow a write-in takeover of the town board by a special interest group that would push for that very turbine blight to happen. On Nov. 5, please vote for the town board candidates listed on the ballot.

(Ms. Burns lives in Batavia and owns property on Chipmonk Road in Allegany.)

Source:  By Mary Burns | Special to the Olean Times Herald | October 29, 2013 |

High cost of solar…

Your “neighbours” solar panels are driving you into the “poor house” with sky high Hydro Bills!!!!

by thebiggreenlie

NIMBY Information Evening – West Lincoln Glanbrook Wind Action Group

 West Lincoln Glanbrook Wind Action Group

NIMBY-171x300NIMBY Hosting an Information Evening

Thursday 7th November 2013

Covenant Christian School Gym 6470 Regional Road 14, ( Town Line ) Smithville.

Doors Open 6:30 pm. Presentation 7:00 – 8:00 pm

Fund Raising Raffle – Silent Auction offering Great Prizes
(cash only please)

Discover why these topics do so effect you !

Proposed 77 Turbine project by Niagara Regional Wind Corp.
●Routing of Electricity Transmission Lines in your vicinity.
●Caistor Centre current installation of 5 Turbines by IPC.
●The Cost of Wind Energy and Your ‘Skyrocketing’ Electricity Bills.
●The Environment and Your Family’s Health.
●The Injustice of The Green Energy Act.

Get the information you need – Help us to support your case

All residents of WEST LINCOLN, GRIMSBY & LINCOLN are Encouraged to Attend
Make this a Standing Room Only Event – Bring your neighbour too *** ****