Historic Win ~ Bald Hills Wind~ Too Close to Home

Bald Hills Wind Farm neighbours win historic legal battle against turbines ‘too close to homes’

By Jedda Costa |August 20, 2020|ABC Gippsland

The South Gippsland Shire Council and local residents have won a legal fight against the Bald Hills Wind Farm (BHWF) near Tarwin Lower, about 150 kilometres south-east of Melbourne.

Key points:

  • A council in Victoria’s south-east has won a historic legal battle against a wind farm near Tarwin Lower
  • Last year, the operator of the Bald Hills Wind Farm sued the South Gippsland Shire Council after a report found turbine noise was affecting the wellbeing of nearby residents
  • The Supreme Court yesterday ruled there were no legal errors made by the council

The operator of the windfarm sued the council in March last year after it commissioned an independent report, which found noise from the farm’s turbines was having an adverse impact on the comfort and wellbeing of residents.

The company appealed against the council’s findings and sought a judicial review of the report, claiming it was incorrect and unlawful, but the Supreme Court yesterday ruled no legal errors were made throughout the council’s investigation….


Government’s right to cancel renewable power projects upheld

ripped contract

The Ontario Court of Appeal has upheld a lower court decision saying the Ford government was within its rights to cancel numerous renewable power projects that had not yet met a critical milestone in the approvals process.

Grasshopper Solar Corporation v. Independent Electricity System Operator

Its personal


I am beside myself with these frigging turbines. Whomping and Roaring through the house. House is vibrating. My body is vibrating. My chest feels likes it’s going to cave in. My ears hurt and are plugged. My sinuses are burning. My headache has been constant for 9 days straight. Vertigo has been a huge challenge ALL day. Ears are screeching.

I’m too damn tired to drive away from my home and sleep in some parking lot……..

exhausted aa