The Birth of A Wind Activist

by Patti Kellar,  published  London Free Press in 2012 

1. Spend a lifetime believing you were living in a society where democracy was a fundamental right of every citizen.DSCN1075

2. Buy and sell the concept that wind and solar energy sources are free, will save the planet, resolve the energy crisis, create employment and do so all with minimal disruption to the environment.

3. Ignore all evidence globally to the contrary.

4. Read about scandal after scandal; policies developed with out due diligence; politicians making back door deals and shaking hands with the most corrupt business in the world – further contributing to the growing economic crisis.

5. Try not to believe that the people you trusted to govern were creating programs and laws that quietly and effectively destroy democracy, increase energy costs, driving businesses out of the province and branding anyone who questions those changes as selfish, environmentally unfriendly and too stupid to understand the greater good.

6. Start doing your homework, listening to real people’s experiences, and realize that there are enough contradictions in information out there that at the very least, the pause button needs to be hit NOW.WL_OCT22_mawt_turbine_am___Content

7. Watch people turn into ‘receptors’ , be ignored and bullied while the people paid to govern create more rules, pay lip service to any and all concerns that are being heard in public arenas across the province and continue to develop practices and policies that rip apart families and communities and further contribute to the growing rural /urban divide.

8. Watch the pain in someone you love who realizes that the land that was cleared and settled by their forefathers is about to be irrevocably changed; realizing that all they have worked towards their entire lives will be disseminated and know that should we be unfortunate to be part of the 3 – 30 percentile of people who suffer negative health effects – there is literally no recourse other than to abandon the home we have worked towards all our lives.

9. Wonder how people you have smiled and waved at – who farmed next to you can go for years, watching you work and never mention how their decision to increase their own wealth – will change everything – all the while wondering how you can be called a selfish supporter of fossil fuels because you want to stop what is happening to your life and to the environment which you love. Feel guilt when you realize others have already experienced this loss and you were unaware.

10. Make a conscious choice to remove your head from the sand, move WAY outside of your comfort zone, put up a sign, replace it when someone steals it, start talking to people and have difficult conversations, start writing letters, start attending meetings, start carrying your sign around, stop attending businesses that support wind leases, walk in protests, drive your friends a little crazy (and yourself) and VOILA – someone calls you an activist and to your amazement – that is exactly what you have become.


No Means No

An Elgin County community that stands to gain a wind farm it doesn’t want has told regulators they should count native endorsement of a project only if the bands have claims near the planned surrounded by wind turbines

Dutton Dunwich says any future renewable-energy rules should also require municipal support before any contract can be awarded.

Still steamed by a 20-turbine project awarded to Chicago-based Invenergy this month, Dutton Dunwich wants the province to do more than just tweak rules for Large Renewable Procurement (LRP) for wind, solar and water power. The Independent Electricity Systems Operator has asked for corporate and municipal feedback for the next two LRP rounds.

Under current rules, a company needs to prove it has engaged the community if it wants to win a contract. But that doesn’t mean what Dutton Dunwich thought it meant. “They talk about community engagement. All that means is public meetings,” said Mayor Cameron McWilliams.

His council has unanimously passed a resolution saying a municipality’s no should mean no and only a municipal ‘yes’ can place a project in the running.

noIn Dutton Dunwich, in a referendum answered by 56 per cent of voting-aged residents, 84 per cent said they didn’t want turbines.

NCC Developments — a green-energy partnership among six Northern First Nations groups — has a 10% ownership interest in the Invenergy Strong Breeze project in Dutton Dunwich.

In a letter to The Free Press NCC chief executive officer Geordi Kakepetum said the proximity of native partners should have no bearing on a project’s value.

NCC’s revenue from this project will help First Nations develop remote solar microgrids and reduce dependence on diesel, it says.

Dutton Dunwich also wants to know why some projects were selected and others rejected. “As elected officials, we are supposed to be transparent . . . but it doesn’t seem to work at a provincial level,” McWilliams said.

The six northern First Nations are hundreds of kilometres northwest of Dutton Dunwich.

But there is precedent for green-energy contracts with aboriginal support far from where the power would be generated: A solar project in Ryerson Twp west of Algonquin Park is backed by Missanabie Cree First Nation near Sault Ste. Marie; a hydro-electric project on the Trenton Locks near Belleville has backing from Dokis First Nation west of North Bay; and Invenergy’s solar contract at Lake Simcoe Airport also has support from the NCC in Ontario’s northwest.

NCC says Dutton Dunwich should be proud to be part of the greening of Ontario.

And, it notes, Dutton Dunwich will see economic benefit from the $150-million development: 150 construction jobs, plus local suppliers providing many of the materials; and tax revenue in excess of $4 million during the 20 years of the contract.

McWilliams said the province limits tax assessments of turbines to about one-fiftieth of their actual value. “I’m not disputing there’s some tax revenue but it’s not significant.”

Neighbouring Malahide Township offered to be a host site to turbines but the bidder there was unsuccessful.

IESO has said bidders were chosen based on a formula that includes native involvement, pricing, nearby energy needs and proximity to electrical connections.

Turbines have been a flashpoint in Southwestern Ontario, where opponents have criticized a process that minimizes local decision-making. Others worry about possible health effects of turbines on people and migrating birds.




Remedy the Remedy

Manvers Wind Concerns is calling all Wind Warriors to support Pontypool Settler’s Landing ERT Hearing.  Theatre of the absurd now playing out.

Can we spell UNCTUOUS ?……….

Simple Definition of unctuous

—used to describe someone who speaks and behaves in a way that is meant to seem friendly and polite but that is unpleasant because it is obviously not sincere.

OK…..regarding the never ending kosmic, remedy the remedy, remove the renewal ,ERT in Pontypool……..Stu Williams and Dave Bridges just wanted to to thank everyone for showing up today

It really does help them to carry on and finish the job….just the simple task of taking a seat as a gesture of support.pontypool

APRIL 26th STARTING at 10:00 a.m., Pontypool Community Centre we have a chance to rebut the remedy the remedy stuff trotted out by the paid consultants today.

So please come out and watch your tax dollars at work with the thrilling team of das Director for the Ministry of And and And……plus the illustrious legal hacks from Capstone.

Even taking a seat is a great gesture of support.  manver protest

The rest of the tentative schedule below :

Tuesday, April 26, 2016 at 10:00 a.m

Wednesday, April 27, 2016 at 10:30 a.m

Thursday, April 28, 2016 at 9:00 a.m.

Pontypool Community Centre.  254 John St, Pontypool, Ontario.

Paul Reid 

for MWC.     ManversWind Concern

Can’t go?   Send money.

Advisory Committee for Industrial Wind Turbine Projects

Tuesday May 10, 2016 closing date for applications.

Notice:  Notice-Township-Seeking-Members-for-New-Committees-April-2016


The Township of West Lincoln is seeking names of residents of West Lincoln who would be interested in being appointed to the following Committees:

house surrounded by wind turbines

(1) Public Advisory Committee – Industrial Wind Turbine Projects

(2) Mayor’s Youth Advisory Committee (12 to 18 years of age)

(3) Active Transportation Advisory Committee

The term of the appointment will not exceed the term of Council (ending November 30, 2018) and will last for a period of time as deemed appropriate. Meetings will be held on an as needed basis at the call of the Committee Chair.

Interested residents may submit their application to Joanne Scime, Deputy Clerk. A copy of the application form and/or the Terms and Reference for each of the above noted Committees may be downloaded from the Township’s Web Site at, refer to front page under “Trending” or under “Notices”, “Public Notices”, or may be picked up from the Township Office during regular business hours, Monday to Friday from 9 am to 4:30 pm.

Completed application forms may be dropped off at the Township Office, mailed (address noted below), emailed ( or faxed (905-957-3219), by no later than 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, May 10th, 2016. Applications may also be dropped off after hours using the white box located beside the entrance doors off the parking lot.

Please be advised that applications/submissions will be dealt with in an Open Session Meeting and all information submitted will be considered and distributed as public documentation as part of our public agenda process.

Please note that successful applicants will be subject to the Township’s Purchasing Policy as it relates to Conflict of Interest and the Township’s Code of Conduct for Members of Council, Local Boards and Advisory Committees. These policies can be found on our web site as noted above.

If you have any questions,

please contact either:

Carolyn Langley, Clerk or Joanne Scime, Deputy Clerk Township of West Lincoln

P.O. Box 400 318 Canborough Street Smithville, Ontario, L0R 2A0

Application Form:  Application-Form-for-New-Committees-April-20162


Patti Kellar


What you need to know if you are:

-Feeling new sensations since the turbines became operational?

-Pre-existing conditions symptoms becoming worse?

-Having trouble coping?

-Family and friends don’t understand because they aren’t feeling anything?

-When even you don’t understand what is going on with your body, how could anyone else?

-When they don’t, what happens?

Like many people living in Industrial Wind Projects, initially you may not connect the dots.  Denial is strong initially. Sensations surface, sometimes occurring days, weeks or months after exposure, some beginning subtly, some not.  The only thing you really know for sure is they did not exist prior to the turbines becoming operational.  Sensations you have never felt before.  Or pain of existing conditions worsening.   Symptoms typically come and go, the latter most often when you leave your home, resulting in delaying making Dr.’s appointments until they persist and worsen.

Eventually, people go to…

View original post 2,310 more words

Legislators, please put people over profits

vermontRecently the Vermont Senate voted against protecting Vermonters who live near industrial wind turbines.

The Senate voted against requiring sound monitoring to ensure compliance with noise pollution standards. Green Mountain Power’s lobbyist Todd Bailey, of KSE Partners, told senators that GMP could not afford to pay an unsubstantiated cost of $264,000 for sound monitoring for its industrial wind project in Lowell. As reported in Seven Days, “they (the army of energy lobbyists) got their message to Senator Bray and other senators in a hurry. The Senate voted 18-8 to strike sound monitoring from the bill.”

It is enlightening to understand GMP’s opposition to the cost of sound monitoring at industrial wind projects in comparison to other costs at Green Mountain Power. For instance, annual sound monitoring costs, estimated by ethical experts to be $50,000 to $75,000, pale in comparison to the annual compensation for company CEO Mary Powell.

According to the Valener Energy Company Management Proxy Circular, included with the March 22, 2016, stockholders’ meeting notice, total annual compensation to Powell for the fiscal year ending September 2015 was $1.9 million. Her total compensation for 2013, 2014 and 2015 was over $5 million. Her total compensation consists of base salary, annual and long-term incentive plan (bonus pay), current pension value and other compensation. Her current retirement benefit is $3.3 million.

Gaz Metro owns GMP and has determined that Powell’s long-term incentive compensation will be based on a program that “takes into account cash flow, asset base growth, and achievement of Merger savings.”

“Asset base growth” occurs whenever GMP completes a new energy project. Utilities make money by earning a return on the equity portion of their assets, called asset base in the proxy report or, more commonly, “rate base.” Rate base increases whenever a utility builds anything. Intermittent (renewable) generation assets such as wind and solar projects are extremely capital-intensive. It makes sense that GMP’s parent corporation would want to increase asset base, because it increases corporate income. The more projects GMP builds, the more money Powell makes.

The problem is these industrial wind projects are located close to Vermont families who feel their negative impacts. People who live near an industrial wind project, according to the Vermont Public Service Department, will experience “a significant impairment of quality of life,” and unlike the CEO of GMP will not be compensated by a higher bonus in their paycheck. Instead, Vermonters who live near industrial wind projects will see their quality of life deteriorate and their home values decrease. I have met with Vermonters who have abandoned their homes, are sleep deprived, get headaches, have been hospitalized, are awakened in the middle of the night with their heart racing due to a panic attack, get dizzy and nauseous or have sold homes at a loss, all because of the impact of unregulated industrial wind turbine noise pollution.

The GMP financial incentive to increase rate base resulted in a provision added to the proposed 30 megawatt Deerfield Wind power purchase agreement. GMP negotiated the power contract with Iberdrola, the entity that would develop and own the wind power project on U.S. Forest Service land that is poised to destroy critical bear habitat and the high elevation headwaters of Wilmington. It is no wonder that this agreement includes a provision that allows GMP to buy the project for $50 million in 10 years. After GMP’s long and ugly battle to build its Lowell industrial wind project, it may have found a new way to own wind projects without all the problems of building them. It contracts with a developer to build wind projects and buys the projects later, which adds assets and increases compensation for CEO Powell. Neighbors get the noise pollution and significantly impaired quality of life.

The opposition to continuous sound monitoring at Vermont industrial wind projects is also not consistent with established utility practice. The McNeil wood chip generating plant, part of which is owned by GMP, is required to maintain a Continuous Emissions Monitoring System. The CEMS equipment provides hourly data. The McNeil plant is smaller than the Lowell industrial wind project. Despite the wind industry’s well-funded denials to the contrary, it has been proven that industrial wind projects emit harmful sound emissions.

Sound generated by a wind turbine is directly related to its power output. More power output equals more sound. The real cost of continuous monitoring to the wind companies is that they would have to shut down when they are out of compliance, which would mean that the developer would make less money.

The Legislature must act to require third-party continuous sound monitoring to ensure compliance for all industrial wind projects. Legislators, please put people over profits.


Lives at risk

Turbines planned for spot less than four kilometres from runway.

TORONTO (The Canadian Press) — Opponents of a wind-power project in the Collingwood, Ont. area warned Thursday that it will put lives at risk because giant industrial turbines will be built less than four kilometres from an airport runway.Collingwood_Regional_Airport___Content

Three local municipalities, residents and a pilots’ association say they don’t want eight 50-storey-tall wind turbines so close to the Collingwood airport and the nearby Clearview Aerodrome.

“The province is knowingly approving turbines that are a hazard,” said Kevin Elwood of the Canadian Owner and Pilots Association.

“These eight turbine locations are killers, there’s no doubt in my mind.”

The wind turbines will be “jammed” between the two airports, which operate mainly on visual flight rules, and will “penetrate the arrival and departure airspace as defined by Transport Canada’s guidelines,” added Elwood.

“Does this province want to be the first government with blood on its hands after they cause the first aircraft-turbine crash in Canada?”

Eldwood warned that pilots could have trouble seeing the giant white turbine blades, especially in snowy, cloudy or rainy conditions, and said they produce strong wake turbulence that is invisible….aviation and turbines


Misled by MPAC

One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship.- George Orwell

Reaction to Vote on Green Energy Act
Wolfe Island wind farm. Photo by Nicole Kleinsteuber

They didn’t come to talk about industrial wind turbines. Rather, the two emissaries from the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC)—an agency of the province of Ontario—came to apologize.

MPAC is the government agency that determines the value of your home or property for municipal taxation purposes. They know they do a poor job of it. They have such low confidence in their ability to assess the value of your home, particularly in rural, heterogeneous neighbourhoods, one phone call is often all it takes to have an assessment reduced.

So the MPAC folks came to Shire Hall to say they are sorry and want to do better. Part of a dog-and-pony-apology tour across Ontario. They came with plans to improve the way they, and clerks in municipalities across the province, might work together better.

County council members, however, wanted to know about industrial wind turbines. Specifically, they wanted to know the impact on property values of 50-storey machines erected in a scenic rural shoreline. The MPAC folks were prepared for the question. They get it a lot.

Leaning heavily on MPAC’s own study based on 2012 data, the representatives assured council industrial wind turbines nearby had “no statistically significant impact on sale prices.” When it conducted the analysis, the provincial agency knew its findings would meet with a skeptical reception, so it hired an American consultant to examine the data too. It, however, found a statistically significant impact lowering the sale prices of homes near industrial wind turbines, but that the impact was small.

That was the information shared with council. Council believed it was true.

Ed and Gail Kenney have been battling MPAC for seven years. In 2008, the couple’s Wolfe Island home was valued at $200,000. The following year, 86 industrial wind turbines sprouted around his home. Fluctuating pressure caused by the turbines makes Ed uncomfortable and edgy—he finds it difficult to sleep. Yet he doesn’t want to move.

That same year MPAC determined the value of the Kenneys’ home had risen to $375,000—driving their municipal taxes much higher. They appealed. If anything, the value of their home was less because of the turbines, not more. It took several years and a small fortune, yet they lost their appeal.

“The board found that based on the evidence, in this case, there appeared to be no evidence of any negative impact to the value of the property,” concluded the MPAC appeal panel.

The case raised serious questions about how MPAC conducts its evaluations. The hard data appeared to contradict its conclusion. A small corps of amateurs pored over the data. They found a correlation between a decline in sale prices and proximity to industrial wind turbines. But they were just raising more questions. There was no hard evidence or academic research contradicting MPAC. Until now.

A new study prepared by Clarkson University and Nanos Research paints a very different picture of what happened as a result of the industrial wind turbines on Wolfe Island.

The Clarkson-Nanos study concludes that a massive wind project proposed for Galloo Island— part of a chain of islands that includes the Duck Islands stretching from Prince Edward Point to Henderson, New York—will likely depress property values of homes with a view of the turbines. The researchers calculate the impact is likely to be more than $40 million while providing the community with little value in return.

But surely the most surprising aspect of their research, for Ontario residents at least, was what they learned about property values directly across from Wolfe Island.

Clarkson-Nanos found that properties with a view of the western side of Wolfe Island, in and around Cape Vincent, prior to turbines being built, commanded a premium of about 10 per cent relative to similar properties. After the turbines were constructed, however, they found a “strong negative impact” on property values. Further, their analysis determined that industrial wind turbines reduce property values on the American mainland by about 15 per cent.

So let’s get this straight. MPAC and its consultant couldn’t detect a significant impact on property values on homes in the shadow of these looming mechanical giants—yet across the channel, an independent research body found homes are worth far less because their view includes industrial wind turbines.

It is obvious to those with eyes that industrial wind turbines impair property values. It is surely why the province wouldn’t tolerate an appeal based on economic or property losses as a result of an industrial wind project located nearby.

Yet the provincial government continues to compel its agencies to tell the public a different story…..



Subsidy Sam the Turbine

Credit:  By Iain Ramage, Press & Journal

New cartoon character drawn up to combat Turbine mascot



Tommy the Turbine has a fictional rival to liven up the debate about windfarms.

A leading Highland objector has created “Subsidy Sam” to challenge a character used by the industry.

Sam highlights the massive public subsidies used to finance the technology.

Beauly-based Lyndsey Ward, who today publishes her story online, claims youngsters have been “indoctrinated” by a host of school activities including visits to windfarms. “Tommy the Turbine” is already online and been used in schools in Ireland.

She said: “What’s been happening is similar to what fast food and fizzy drink makers did previously – sponsoring school sports equipment and leaving us with an obesity epidemic.

“The wind industry goes into schools in Scotland and never is the other side of the story told. Youngsters are being brainwashed into thinking we’d be doomed without windfarms.

“It’s a cynical ploy to keep the subsidies flowing into the next generation.”

Caithness campaigner Brenda Herrick successfully fought to have turbines removed from school grounds after a series of incidents involving faulty towers.

She said: “They never tell children how turbines chop up birds, or about the thousands of trees felled to make way for windfarms, or how often blades fly off, or tell children in poor households why their parents can’t afford their energy bills.”

Mrs Ward’s short story is illustrated by St Andrews–based cartoonist “Josh,” who said: “I hate what’s happening to Scotland with the proliferation of turbines killing rare birds and ruining the landscape.”
Neither the SNP nor the trade body Scottish Renewables would comment on “Subsidy Sam”.

The only surviving Highland school turbine is at Scoraig Primary where it is “the primary source of power.”

madder than a hornet in an old coke can