BP “Terminates” Controversial Plans For Cape Vincent Wind Farm

BP has dropped its plans to put $300 million worth of windmills in the town of Cape Vincent.

BP Wind Energy wanted to develop a 200 to 285 megawatt wind power farm in the town.

The decision to “terminate” the project comes after years of controversy in the community.

“What does this mean? It means the end of a 10-year battle,” said wind power proponent Gary King. “We lost. We felt it was the best thing for the town, but apparently majority rules.”
BP has been trying to sell its wind projects and decided to abandon the one in Cape Vincent. Town councilman John Byrne was among those against bringing a wind farm to Cape Vincent.
“British Petroleum is a business and they’re in this to make money,” Byrne said. “I think most people are aware of the fact that the likelihood of them getting a PILOT (payment in lieu of taxes agreement) was slim. We don’t know if they had anyone to purchase their energy.”

Plans for the wind farm began almost a decade ago and ever since, the project has pitted neighbor against neighbor in Cape Vincent.  Read rest of article here.

Confessions of a ‘Greenpeace Dropout’ to the U.S. Senate on climate change

Watts Up With That?

Update: I’m making this a top “sticky post” for a couple of days, new stories will appear below this one.

Our friend Dr. Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace, went before the U.S. Senate yesterday to tell his story as it relates to global warming/climate change. It is well worth your time to read. WUWT readers may recall that since Dr. Moore has decided to speak out against global warming and for Golden Rice, Greenpeace is trying to disappear his status with the organization, much like people were disappeared in Soviet Russia.

Statementof Patrick Moore, Ph.D. Beforethe Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, Subcommittee on Oversight

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Taxes and turbines feature in ROMA bear pit session


Taxes, turbines dominate talks between province and mayors




Kathleen Wynne
Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne. (JOEL LEMAY/QMI AGENCY)

TORONTO – The Ontario government will take a “moderate” approach to balancing the provincial budget that doesn’t cut spending at the expense of municipalities, Premier Kathleen Wynne says.

“The notion that we can right now as a government step back from supporting communities and supporting investment is just not right,” Wynne told the combined Ontario Good Roads Association and Rural Ontario Municipal Association Annual Conference Wednesday. “Our plan is practical, it’s steady, it’s balanced … it’s not focused on cutting, it’s not focused on slashing because austerity has a cost.”

In the traditional “bear pit” that followed Wynne’s speech, cabinet ministers were pressed on a number of issues of concern to municipalities, including…

View original post 197 more words

Do No Harm & Do Unto Others; The Modern Twist of Man, Nature and Wind Turbines.

DSCN1366 Linda picture

Haldimand County, Ontario

February 2013 saw  the first of the Industrial Wind Turbines erected for the Summerhaven Project by NextEra in Haldimand County.  Port Dover & Nanticoke Wind project was also concurrently being rammed onto the fabric of the rural landscape. The massive turbines joining the increasingly crowded Haldimand horizons creating a gauntlet of wind turbines placed in essential global migratory flyways along the shores of Lake Erie in southern Ontario.

The onslaught of wind turbine installations and operations has continued to be unrelenting even to this day. Heavy machinery, an endless parade of gravel trucks, 230KV transmission lines to be erected on the very edges of front lawns in the Municipal right of ways, continues with the Grand Renewable Wind and Solar project (Samsung & Pattern Energy).  They are now in the race to meet deadlines for their in Commercial Operation Date set by the secretive contracts signed with the Province.

Well over 200 giant turbines and counting; each project seeing taller and larger machines and with no changes to the regulated setbacks to people’s homes.   Every week that passes sees even more approvals for Wind Power projects being signed off by the Ministry of the Environment.  Government at all levels remain deaf to the cries for help and objections from the unwilling host communities.  The political dance of denial and sleight of hand is dizzying  with the speed of changes in position and deflection of issues, as the balance of power shifts and turns as a elections looms for 2014.  People who are forced to live without a voice in land- use decisions  are a valuable resource for base votes for politicians that must court the scattered  minority in small communities to sway the government balances of power.

The construction chaos may have eased in parts of the county but it is now replaced by a growing chorus of complaints emerging about the turbine operations.  Complaints ranging from nuisance, operational safety concerns, and to the more serious impacts of reported adverse health effects.  This is compounded by the harsh climb in escalating electricity rates for all of Ontario as the price to be paid as the renewable energy projects power along unimpeded.  Like a train without any brakes heading for an impending predictable and sickening crash.  Precaution and prevention forgotten and perverted principles in the rush to continue the dying song for support of the Green Energy Act of Ontario.

The reality for the individuals and families affected is worse than any anticipation and hits those hard who had never given the wind projects a second thought.   Community discord easier to not acknowledge for those living out of sight of the massive machines in the adjacent towns. Sacrificing others who now live under the shadow flicker to the false crucifixes to all that ails the world.  Night descends and the sky is alight with frantic blinking red lights from the turbines.  A red light district spreading viral like across the land.  Man has sinned and an atonement is made.  Do no harm and do unto others has a new modern twist in the story of man and nature, in the sprawling footprint of the wind power plants.

Linda J Rogers

Unwilling host & a non-participating receptor in the Wind Ghettos

Jarvis Ontario


Press release from Toby Barrett

For Immediate Release

February 20, 2014

Time for an immediate moratorium

on wind turbines


Queen’s Park – Haldimand-Norfolk MPP Toby Barrett and his Opposition colleagues are once again urging the Wynne government to stop the onslaught of industrial wind turbines and the damage they are doing, by implementing an immediate moratorium.

“Requiring companies to comply with the rules of your Green Energy Act is quite simply your ministry’s job,” Hudak wrote in a letter to Bob Chiarelli, Minister of Energy. “But what our communities and economy really need is a completely different approach. It is time to admit that your expensive energy experiment is a failure and is tearing apart communities.”

Just a few hours later, the Ontario PC caucus issued a statement reaffirming its plan to scrap the Green Energy Act.

“Taxpayers across Ontario are just getting some of their larger electricity bills in the mail now,” MPP Barrett said. “And it’s quite apparent as they open these bills that the Green Energy Act is a disaster.”

Barrett went on to summarize his opposition to industrial wind turbines.

“Ontario needs to get back on track and we could make great gains by scrapping the Green Energy Act and implementing an immediate moratorium on wind turbines,” he said. “We stand by our commitment to end the expensive feed-in tariff program.”