About MAWT

MAT Xander


MAWT is a non-profit, grass roots organization of mothers, parents and grandparents who have a  focus on protecting children exposed to the effects of industrial wind turbines.  We strive to protect our economy, communities and the natural environment from the impacts of industrial scale construction and operation of wind power facilities.

Any family member can join MAWT from mothers, grandparents & dads.

Email inquiries: mothersagainstwindturbines@gmail.com

Our Purpose as outlined in our Articles of Incorporation:

Striving to protect our economy, communities and the natural environment from the impacts of industrial scale construction and operation of wind power facilities throughout Canada.

This will be done through:

  • Promoting the interests and well-being of Canadian residents currently impacted by or proposed to be impacted by IWT power facilities;
  • Coordinating activities of the corporation with those of similar organizations, societies and individuals in Canada;
  • Rendering assistance to all levels of government, the community and stakeholders through educational activities by supplying information collected as a result of research carried on under the auspices of the corporation;
  • To promote the protection and appreciation of the environment.
  • Organizing educational and social community events to develop and foster community spirit and unity.
  • Sharing information for the mutual benefit of the members;

In More Detail:

We want to assist the caring public by providing them with education that will help ensure the United Nations Convention on Rights of the Child is upheld by all public or private social welfare institutions, courts of law, administrative authorities and legislative bodies. These affiliations must ensure that in all actions concerning children, the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration.

“Our Children will NOT BE “Non Participating Receptors”

Fundraising will be a tool used to help us in our objectives. 100% of funds raised will be used to support our mission.

The reluctance of governments to acknowledge the innocent child victims while at the same time repeatedly forging ahead with public mis-information is not acceptable and needs to stop IMMEDIATELY! There is a lack of main stream media surrounding the effects of Industrial Wind Turbine victim stories although it includes our most vulnerable citizens, children.  With lack of media attention, there is also lack of knowledge. Much of the population within Canada does not know what is happening; while environmental organizations and governments continue down their path of Green Energy….at all costs.


Mothers Against Turbines needs your help NOW! Join our mailing list and submit your story below. Your stories will be used by our group to help educate  the public and bring awareness to the effects of wind power all over the world. 

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Protecting our children from Industrial Wind Power Emissions is our first priority!