Tag Archives: Climate change

Imagine that….seasons, just like we’ve always had.

http://quixoteslaststand.com/2013/11/19/warning-for-the-upcoming-winter-season-britain-to-be-hit-by-entirely-typical-weather/#comment-10582  You may find that you enjoy this article far more than your plumpest child will!   Read on….you will be amused!

The Church Of Climate Scientology: How Climate Science Became A Religion

English: Animated global map of monthly long t...

1.     They use manipulative language

……..“Climate change” is a manipulative, rubber term used to mean anything from “the climate changes” (which everyone agrees with) to “we impact the climate at least a tiny amount” (which everyone agrees with) to “we impact the climate for the better” (yes, that’s possible) to “we are making the climate much more dangerous” (which much fewer people agree with) to “we are making the climate much more dangerous and the only response is to stop using fossil fuels but also incoherently oppose nuclear power and hydroelectric power while advocating the worst-performing energy technologies, solar and wind.”

Read rest of article here:   http://www.forbes.com/sites/alexepstein/2013/11/07/the-church-of-climate-scientology-rationalizes-some-of-the-worst-policies-in-our-history/