“it’s an accident waiting to happen”

Monday, September, 15, The Sachem & Glanbrook Gazette

Marie-trainer2_webFormer mayor, Marie Trainer runs for Ward 1

“I don’t know who allowed [the poles] to be put in the middle of the ditches on either side of the road,” she said, adding that she feels “it’s an accident waiting to happen” and it also creates drainage issues.

The Poles she is speaking about are on Regional Road 20 , road to Hagersville.   The Samsung/Pattern Energy  “Grand Renewable Wind/Solar” project has 21km of 230 KV transmission lines from their substation that connects to the grid (point of interconnection)  just outside the town of Hagersville.

It is as bad or more as it looks and the potential for accidents has been pointed out many times in communities across Rural Ontario.

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2 thoughts on ““it’s an accident waiting to happen””

  1. It’s just a matter of time that someone going down the road will wrap their vehicle around one of those steel hydro poles. No different than wrapping their vehicle around a wooden hydro pole or worse yet an unforgiving tree. And chances are they won’t have they’re seat belt on and they’re over .08.

  2. Well it sure looks more dangerous. Both sides lined with steel poles. The tree lines are behind the poles. Trees are not growing out of our ditches. And the “odds” of hitting something when a car looses control just went up considerably. If you are a rural resident you know that you don’t need to be going (I assume you meant over 80) over 80 to end up in a slide and in a ditch. Black ice is unforgiving at any speed. And what does “not wearing a seat belt have to do with this article”. Pro wind always trying to deflect from the real issues. These poles should not be so close to the edge of the road and most certainly Should not be placed in ditches. Guess who gets to pay for the town to fix drainage problems caused by this. Now what will we have to do to ensure fewer fatalities? Oh wait that’s right we have to wait for a count BEFORE we can think of ways to prevent a potential problem. Then perhaps someone will have the bright idea of putting railings along the stretches of road where these things run there by reducing risk of fatalities. But Guess who gets to pay for that….each Rural Town these run through. Property values go down but municipal expenses will be going up. Don’t forget you will also be paying for the road repairs from having so many heavy trucks delivering each pole and the cranes needed to put them up and cement trucks for each base….Go GREEN GO!!

    Much like the Turbines and health – We have to have “fatalities” before anything is done.

    Much like the Turbines and environment – We have to have “fatalities” before anything is done

    Much like Turbine Steel Poles Running on either side of road ways – We’ll need “fatalities” before anything will be done.

    Much like cigarettes – We had to have “fatalities” before anything was done.

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